Sunday, June 16, 2024

[Homebrew] Rangers

Lego Forestmen

I couldn't sleep, as usual, so I decided to work on some stuff for D&D.  Generally, I prefer classes to be broad categories and I tend to avoid getting too into the nitty gritty of sub-classes.  If a player, for example, wanted to play a paladin I would tell them to roleplay it out rather than create something that has a mechanical distinction.  Despite this, I thought it could be fun to come up with a ranger class.  Looking at B/X, the halfling seems to be a good basis for a ranger so I tweaked it slightly and feel pretty good about how it came out.  If you're interested in checking it out, you can find it here.  Keep in mind that I haven't play tested it yet but I did try to balance it as best I could.

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