Sunday, June 23, 2024

[Lore] The Gryphon Vale (Part 2)

Outdoor Survival's reaction to my fickleness.

Something I struggle with a lot is sticking to something that I've made.  Usually, my process of creating something goes like this: I create something I like > I try to improve it > I get dissatisfied > I create something new.  It's frustrating to me because I end up never being okay with the stuff that I make since I never leave it alone.  I continue changing it and modifying it in an attempt to fine tune it and make it better but it inevitably leaves me feeling like I'll never make something I am completely happy with.

My goal is to try and get over this problem so that I can make a setting (among other things) that I truly enjoy and am content with.  First, I'm trying to get myself to internalize the idea that imperfect, but complete, things are way better than a perfect thing that will never be completed.  It's fairly easy to understand but I find it difficult to actually follow through with that line of thinking.

Outdoor Survival by Avalon Hill

Now, what I'm going to do is switch from making my own hex maps to using the Outdoor Survival map that was used back in the OD&D days.  If you aren't familiar with Outdoor Survival, it's a board game that was used for hex crawling.  I've wanted to do this for a while but the lack of hills always made me feel like I'd be missing out but I've gotten over it, mostly.  There are a few reasons why I want to do this, the primary reason is that I want to not have to worry about terrain placement because whenever I make my own maps I end up changing them over and over again.  The other reason is that I already own Outdoor Survival and I've just been wanting to use it for D&D.  I figure if I'm gonna use old school rules I might as well use old school resources as well.

However, while I will be using the board for terrain placement I will still be deciding where to place settlements, dungeons, lairs, etc.  I've heard that other players have used the ponds as castles and the cabins as towns but I don't really like how those are laid out, especially the towns in the middle of the map.  The castle placement bothers me less and I might use some of the ponds as castles but not all.  I'd also like to get some tiles printed with hex features on them that I could place down on the map when my players or I encounter something.  I also think it would be fun to just have a visual at the table since I pretty much do everything through theatre of the mind.

So that's pretty much it.  The map I posted previously is going to be scrapped and I've started to work on using the Outdoor Survival map for my game.

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