Sunday, October 13, 2024

[Session Report 8 - 10/12/24] The Redfang Hideout

Kratos dealing an excessive amount of damage to kill a lowly 2 HP goblin.
    The adventure began on the 15th day of Second Seed, with the party resting in town, resupplying, and gathering rumors at the local tavern, The Bottomless Tankard, where they learned of strange activity occurring within the Attercop Forest, likely connected to the strange group of black robed men that had come to town a number of weeks ago.

    Not really interested in dealing with the cultists at this time, the party decided that they wanted to further explore the mountain caves that they had fled from just a few days ago.  They left the safe walls of Dragonwrath and set out for adventure.    On day 19, the party got turned around while exploring the mountains and ended up seeing some rocs fly overhead that thankfully didn't take an interest in their small group.  The next day, as they were getting closer to their destination they saw a sizeable retinue men on horseback.  The party thought it best to stay low and hide and were able to evade the strangers.

    Now the party was at the cave entrance and were eager to see what treasures awaited them.  They entered cautiously, not knowing how many goblins (or any other monsters) were in this cave system.  As they traveled, Sir Peter fell down a pit but as it was the only way forward, the party dropped down into the pit and they climbed out on the other side.  Eventually, they came upon a group of 8 goblins that got the drop on them.  After a few rounds of combat, Gotas the Elf was killed, 2 goblins were dead, 2 asleep, and the remaining goblins surrendered.  In a rage, Kratos executed Gotas' killer and the rest of the goblins were bound.

    Kratos and the dwarf both spoke with the goblins to see if there were any traps, treasure, or other goblins that the party should know about.  Quickly, the goblins explained that their leader Gribbnuk, an exiled son of the tribe's chieftain, was in a nearby room along with his 2 wives.  The party gathered the goblins, with the intention of using them as a bargaining chip, and walked to the leader's quarters.

    They met with Gribbnuk and a deal was made.  In exchange for letting the goblin prisoners leave, the party would be given the goblins' treasure (3,000 sp and a single gem).  Soon, the party was on their way out of the cave and headed back to Dragonwrath.  The travel back to town went by fast and on day 23, they were once again greeted by the welcoming gates of civilization.

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[Session Report 10 - 10/14/24] Return to the Crypt

A zombie waiting patiently in a sarcophagus     On the 1st of Midyear, the first month of summer, the party left Dragonwrath to further expl...