Tuesday, October 15, 2024

[Session Report 10 - 10/14/24] Return to the Crypt

A zombie waiting patiently in a sarcophagus

    On the 1st of Midyear, the first month of summer, the party left Dragonwrath to further explore the areas of the crypt beneath the ruined church that they were unable to explore beforehand.  After 2 days, they arrived at Badwater and encountered a thief attempting to flee after stealing some gold coins from a merchant.  Hag, the fastest of the group, chased the thief down.  The thief pulled out a dagger and threatened the young magic-user to not step any closer should he wish to keep is entrails inside his body.  Hag tried to talk the panicked thief down, asking him why he stole the money.  After the thief explained that he had stole the coins to buy some food, Hag offered him his own gold in exchange for the merchant's.  The thief accepted and Hag returned the coins to the merchant and the thief went on his way.

    After a few more days, the party reached the ruined church and descended the staircase into the crypt.  They turned right after doing a bit of scouting and came across a room with a single sarcophagus in the center, with the lid opened.  Along the walls were several shelves with urns.  The corpse of a cultist lay motionless on the flagstone floor.

A zombie biting the neck of Ermer the Dwarf.

    Ermer the dwarf decided to inspect the sarcophagus and saw a decayed corpse inside, wearing a silver crown.  Stricken by greed, the dwarf reached into the sarcophagus and grasped the crown.  Immediately, the corpse inside the casket jolted up, surprising the dwarf, and sinking its rotted teeth into his fleshy neck.  Ermer screamed in agony and fell dead.  The zombie rose up out of his burial chamber and the party's cleric quickly held out his cross and invoked his Lord's name "In Ohm's holy name, I rebuke thee!"  Unfortunately for the party, the cleric's faith was tested and came up short.  The zombie was unaffected.  Trusting in his blade instead of a deity, Gobas the elf leapt forward and drove his sword into the zombie's skull, killing it.

    After searching the room some more, the party moved onward and explored a few other rooms.  Some time had passed and they began to hear whispers, not wanting to stay around and see who or what was the source of the whispers, the party went back to grab their companion's body and left the crypt.

    Once they reached the surface, they buried Ermer and the cleric performed last rites.  After they rested, they started their journey back to Dragonwrath.  After a few more days, and narrowly avoiding 2 roaming lions, they were greeted by the gatehouse guards that welcomed them inside the town of Dragonwrath where they'd be able to sell their treasure and rest.

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[Session Report 10 - 10/14/24] Return to the Crypt

A zombie waiting patiently in a sarcophagus     On the 1st of Midyear, the first month of summer, the party left Dragonwrath to further expl...