Thursday, May 23, 2024

[Lore] The Gryphon Vale

Map of the Gryphon Vale, scale: 6 mile hexes

History of the Gryphon Vale

  • Psychic War (wizards created dragons)
  • Dragon War (dragons grew numerous and nearly wiped out all human life)
  • Wilderness and monster life thrive.
  • Dwarves are exiled from their mountain homes and seek refuge in the Olde Wood.
  • The Elves refuse to allow the Dwarves to live within the forest.
  • Elf and Dwarf War begins.
  • Elfland is attacked and portions of the Olde Wood are destroyed.
  • Various war bands were able to form or retake strongholds to defend against the dragon hordes.  Dragonwrath is established.
  • Dwarves reclaim their mountain strongholds.
  • The Dragon population is severely weakened and dragons are now rare.
  • Petty (Human) warlords decided to unite under a monarchy.
  • The Good King died without an heir.
  • War of the Crown (War breaks out over who should rule.)
  • War of the Crown ends and The Alliance of 3 Crowns is formed.
  • Armies of Chaos are gathering and preparing for war.

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